Thermal warpage and strain metrology platforms at GOMACTech
Akrometrix will exhibit at the GOMACTech 2016 Conference, scheduled to take place March 14-17, 2016 in Orlando, Fl. Established in 1968, the conference has focused on advances in systems being developed by the Department of Defense and other government agencies and has been used to announce major government microelectronics initiatives such as VHSIC and MIMIC, and provides a forum for government reviews.
Company representatives will discuss Akrometric’s TherMoire’ AXP modular metrology platform that provides shadow moire’, digital fringe projection and digital image correlation capabilities in one platform. Akrometrix also will demonstrate its new Real-Time Analysis Software along with Array Generation Software (for thermal warpage measurement and partitioning of wafers) and Interface Analysis Software that allows high level and in-depth review of the attachment interface between two surfaces that warp during microelectronics and electronic assembly production reflow processes.
The Akrometrix Interface Analysis software enables 3D, 2D and statistical review of the complete interface at each temperature point during reflow and for the combined data set. Data to be analyzed can be collected with any of the 200+ TherMoiré systems in use throughout the worldwide electronics supply chain today. Introducing unique features such as Pass/Warning/Fail maps, as well as graphical results identifying problem areas based on user inputs, Interface Analysis allows users to see what is happening between two dynamic surfaces throughout the entire reflow process.