Instant data management allows smart grids to maximise power
A database management system that can be configured to precisely match the needs of any smart grid has been introduced by Raima. If smart grids are to achieve their full potential, efficient data handling is a prerequisite. The Raima Database Manager (RDM) can be embedded into the grid to provide local real-time control.
A smart grid uses data collection and computer technologies to gather information about consumption by individual consumers, interpret it and optimise operations to match the ever-changing patterns of demand. However, the amount of data that needs to be collected is extremely large and needs to be instantly analysed and stored for reference and reuse. This could not be done manually, therefore, high-performance database technologies need to be paired with automated metering and other supporting technologies.
The RDM is an ACID- compliant DBMS. Its multi-core processors can be distributed about the grid, yet work together to maximise the use of available memory capacity. By utilising on-chip data storage, the system processes data almost instantaneously and transfers it to disk for secure long-term storage.