
Emprog ThunderBench supports STM's discovery kit

13th August 2015
Siobhan O'Gorman

Phaedrus Systems has announced that the Emprog ThunderBench C/C++ development tool suite now supports the STM32F746NGH6 discovery kit, which includes the STM32F7 MCU core.

The STM32F746G DISCOVERY kit helps users develop and share applications for the ARM Cortex-M7 based STM32F7 series of MCUs. It can support applications such as audio and video players, audio recorders, and home intruder alarms. The design of HMIs can exploit the audio, video and colour touch screen features in the kit.

Chris Hills, CTO, Phaedrus Systems, said: "Emprog ThunderBench provides development support for the entire ARM Cortex-M family. ThunderBench provides the most comprehensive integration of C/C++ compiler, debugger, IDE within an Eclipse platform. Options include static code analysis, JTAG probes and a Segger RTOS. ThunderBench also has many Board Support packages for the ARM Cortex family."

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