
Phaedrus Systems


Phaedrus Systems supports engineers at all stages of safety-critical and high-integrity embedded projects. Tools are available for all stages of the project life-cycle, from requirements capture (for IEC 61508 , EN 50128  , DO178 and nuclear applications ) simulation and validation , through to dynamic and unit test and lifecycle management tools.  Backing these is a wide range of other relevant embedded tools, including a SIL3 RTOS,  RTOS analysis and viewing, compiler validation tools and reports, code checkers , USB and TCP/IP stacks , development kits, debuggers and ICEs.  Consultants have experience working on automotive, rail and aerospace applications, meeting standards such as IEC 61508 SIL4, and D0178B. Phaedrus has also developed a range of technical publications covering topics of interest to developers.


Phaedrus Systems Articles

Displaying 1 - 20 of 22
14th December 2016
IoT toolkit enables easy integration of edge devices

Specialist in the support of engineers at all stages of embedded safety-critical and high-integrity projects, Phaedrus Sytems, has announced the availabilty of Icon Labs’ Floodgate IoT Security Toolkit. The solution enables IoT edge devices to be easily and securely integrated with IoT cloud platforms, including Verizon’s ThingSpace IoT Cloud Platform.

4th February 2016
eXtremeDB 7.0 DBMS adds powerful features

Phaedrus Systems is pleased to announce that McObject has released eXtremeDB 7.0, an upgrade to its embedded Database Management System (DBMS) product family for the IoT. eXtremeDB was an early IoT enabling technology and its usage has grown with today’s explosion in smart, connected electronics.

11th January 2016
Compiler Validation Suite includes MISRA-C conformance

The Mondrian Release of SuperTest, from Solid Sands is now available at Phaedrus Systems. In addition to a wide range of enhancements and improvements the Mondrian Release provides a MISRA C:2004 conformance suite, the first available in a compiler validation suite.

14th December 2015
Getting it right from the beginning

Validating system requirements before starting project implementation can provide a significant return on investment, says Chris Hills, CTO of Phaedrus Systems

Tech Videos
22nd September 2015
Compiler validation. Why developers need it.

Why do you need SuperTest, a compiler test and validation suite for C and C++ from Solid Sands? Watch the videos and find out that it is not as obvious as you might think.

Tech Videos
22nd September 2015
On target streaming trace with a J-TAG

Tracealyzer, a runtime RTOS tracing tool, from Percepio permits extensive on target tracing and tracking from with the main embedded RTOS using only a standard J-TAG debugger. This sort of tracing is normally only available with a hardware trace unit such as a Segger J-Trace or Lauterbach uTrace or an ICE.

Tech Videos
21st September 2015
Test & validate requirements in natural language

Stimulus is a simulation environment to test and verify requirements in natural language. This tool is aimed at the critical systems market as it is underpinned by formal methods but it is very useful for agile developments with rapidly changing requirements. Requirements can be validated quickly before  any design let alone coding.

14th September 2015
Phaedrus Systems adds three new principals

Phaedrus Systems has added three new principals. The company now distributes: Stimulus, a simulation environment to edit, debug, and test requirements from Argosim; Tracealyzer, a runtime RTOS tracing tool from Percepio; and SuperTest, a compiler test and validation suite for C and C++ from Solid Sands.

13th August 2015
Emprog ThunderBench supports STM's discovery kit

Phaedrus Systems has announced that the Emprog ThunderBench C/C++ development tool suite now supports the STM32F746NGH6 discovery kit, which includes the STM32F7 MCU core.

3rd July 2015
Secure the connection between browser & web-server

An updated version of Segger's emSSL secure sockets implementation with both client and server capability, has been released by Phaedrus System. Needing only 7KB of RAM to support a secure connection between browser and the web-server makes emSSL suitable for operation on single-chip systems.

23rd March 2015
Embedded databases for embedded systems

The increase in the power, complexity and prevalence of embedded systems means they are handling more data and, consequently, increasingly using databases. The traditional solution has been to run this on a separate PC or mainframe in the loop; today, the database can run within the system. By Chris Hills, CTO, Phaedrus Systems.

5th February 2015
The right tools for testing medical software

How the right tools can help software engineers meet IEC 62304 and FDA Requirements. By Chris Hills, CTO, Phaedrus Systems.

8th January 2015
Cypher suites offer confidentiality, integrity & secrecy

Phaedrus Systems is launching emSSL, a ground-up implementation of secure sockets that are the backbone of secure communications on the internet today. Written by Segger Microcontroller to run effortlessly on single-chip embedded devices, emSSL integrates seamlessly with Segger's embOS/IP or, alternatively, any IP stack that supports plain sockets, or any bidirectional communications channel.

17th November 2014
Debug, trace tool targets ARM Cortex-M family

Safety-critical specialist distributer Phaedrus Systems is now selling the Lauterbach, µTrace an all-in-one debug and trace product for the ARM Cortex-M family. "The Cortex-M is a very successful family, being implemented in many different chip designs," said Chris Hills, Chief Technical Officer of Phaedrus Systems.

Test & Measurement
6th November 2014
Device programmer covers 4500 different devices

SEGGER Microsystems, has combined its Flasher ARM, Flasher RX and Flasher PPC into one single unit, the Flasher PRO device programmer. It can program all supported devices in PC-based mode and most devices also in stand-alone mode. The programmer can be controlled using RS232, handshake lines, USB and Ethernet, providing a high degree of flexibility combined with high speed flash programming.

26th June 2013
MISRA C Is Useful – But It Is Not A Lifebelt

Chris Hills, CTO of Phaedrus Systems and a member of the MISRA C working group discusses the new MISRA C:2012 guidelines. In this article from ES Design magazine, Chris also looks at why, on their own, they are not that useful.

11th April 2012
Safe and Secure Virtualization for the Next Generation of Avionics

The next generation of Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA-NG) is being developed under the EU-funded SCARLETT project. It requires both multiple application execution environments, of varying degrees of criticality, and the ability to reconfigure resources on the platform, while still meeting safety standards. Chris Hills examines how Safe and Secure Virtualization (SSV) can meet these demanding requirements.

11th April 2011
Gadgets for engineers

The nearest thing Britain has to CES is the Gadget Show Live (13-17th April). Although tickets are already sold out for the Gadget Show Live, Phaedrus Systems are offering free tickets to the trade day (12th April) to engineers who register for the electronics exhibition NEW:UK through the Phaedrus Systems Web site (

14th September 2010
Taming IEC 61508 Version 2

Phaedrus Systems is now supplying RiskCAT61508 for IEC61508, Edition 2. RiskCAT, from CATS Software Tools GmbH, is a tool for rapid and intuitive navigation of the standard, including selection of appropriate measures for a specific project and calculation of the appropriate SILs (Safety Integrity Levels).

21st February 2010
Imperial College Robotics Society sponsored by Phaedrus Systems and IAR

Phaedrus Systems and IAR Systems have joined together to sponsor the Imperial College Robotics Society (ICRS) Robo-Tracer Competition. The sponsorship provides the teams at Imperial with copies of IAR Embedded Workbench integrated development environment, IAR KickStart Kits (a development kit), IAR J-link debug probes, IAR visualSTATE graphical development environments, IAR compilers and cash for additional equipment. Total sponsorship is worth a...

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