
AWR Releases AWR Connected for ODB++ And Extends Reach of PCB Design

31st January 2011
ES Admin

AWR Corporation, the innovation leader in high-frequency EDA software, today released a new product within its AWR Connected™ portfolio, specifically an ODB++ PCB layout verification design flow for connecting popular third-party PCB tools with its Microwave Office® (MWO) and AXIEM™ software solutions. The ODB++ PCB flow specifically moves layout data from a customer’s PCB vendor tool into a relevant and independent file format ready for use and import into AWR software, extending its compatibility to popular firms such as Altium, Intercept and Zuken.

This new ODB++ compatibility solution not only transfers important intelligence from the PCB layout/database into Microwave Office, but it also gives the user the ability to selectively import either by net or by region. This selective filtering allows the engineer to focus on the design’s most critical aspects, and by reducing the amount of unnecessary data passed to the simulator, this importer also reduces set up and simulation time.

Highlights include:

• Import layout from PCB tools for EM analysis; full PCB, arbitrary section, and/or select traces with proximity

• Schematic automatically created from component information (i.e. models supplied by designer);

• Apply EM ports and wire automatically into schematic; and

• Complements existing AWR Connected™ bidirectional flow with Mentor Graphics that support full co-design at all stages.

For demonstrations of this PCB design flow tool, stop by AWR’s booth 423 at DesignCon® where PCB design examples from Altium (Booth #221) and Intercept (Booth #320) will be showcased.

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