
Comprehensive radio frequency communication systems

18th September 2018
Alex Lynn

For the first time, the engineering and technology group SENER will attend the 2018 European Microwave Week, held at the Madrid Trade Fair Center (IFEMA), 23rd-28th September. SENER, which recently acquired TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, will have a single stand to present their capabilities in comprehensive radio frequency communication systems.

Radio frequency communication systems is a cross-cutting technology of interest in the space and defence sectors, and which also has applications in air traffic control and science facilities.

On this regard, SENER engineers will be presenting two papers: Fernando Martín will give a conference on the paper ‘On Board Deep Space Steerable Antennas for Extremely Harsh Environments’, while Rafael García will present ‘Latest Filter Developments at TRYO Aerospace, SENER Group’.

Of the main radio frequency communication systems exhibited at the stand, particularly worthy of mention are: antennas and pointing mechanisms for the Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, Juice, and Euclid space missions; the high-capacity multi-band data link system for command and control networks and unmanned vehicle payloads; and systems for air traffic control and for the European research centre CERN.

In terms of products for radio frequency communication systems, SENER will present a range of active equipment (low noise amplifiers, down converters, power detector modules and solid state power amplifiers), passive components (rotary joints, filters and multiplexers, couplers and hybrid couplers, and adapters), telemetry and telecommand antennas, feed horns, medium and high gain antennas, reflectors and specific purpose antennas (fixed and steerable).

Also electromechanical components that offer different antenna and rotary pedestal solutions for primary and secondary surveillance radar systems for air traffic control, as well as advances in passive equipment for scientific installations (coaxial line components and wave-guided transmission systems).

SENER has developed the skills required to take on complete industrial projects in major space and defence programs and can offer its own technological solutions for entire onboard communications systems. Equally, the group has all the design, manufacturing and testing in-house capabilities to competitively respond to the telecommunications market demands.

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