
Bittium brings enhanced capabilities to new tactical radios

9th November 2017
Lanna Deamer

Bittium is part of Operational Capability 1 (OC1) phase that continues the ESSOR (European Secure Software defined Radio) programme. During the OC1 phase, the operational capabilities of ESSOR High Data Rate Waveform (HDR WF), meant for joint operations between defence forces of different countries, will be enhanced.

The contract for the OC1 phase between the industrial consortium a4ESSOR (Alliance for ESSOR), including companies developing the European European Software Defined Radio technology, and OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’ARmement), representing the ESSOR participant countries, was announced earlier this week.

The ESSOR HDR WF is also part of Bittium’s new Bittium Tough SDR tactical radios, Bittium Tough SDR Handheld and Bittium Tough SDR Vehicular. The radios together with the waveform enable broadband data transfer, joint operations, and direct communication between defence forces of different countries in international operations starting already from the battle group and combat vehicle level.

With the development of the operational capabilities of the ESSOR HDR WF during the OC 1 phase the new functionalities will be available also for the Tough SDR family of radios.

Bittium Tough SDR products can flexibly use the most appropriate waveform, such as ESSOR HDR WF, Bittium TAC WIN Waveform or Bittium Narrowband Waveform, having the best fit considering the conditions and the mission.

The wide range of frequency bands improves combat usability and enables flexible use of the equipment. Using several waveforms, even simultaneously, improves compatibility and enables operations on different levels and missions.

The duration of the ESSOR OC1 phase is 45 months and the value of the contract is around €50m. The value of the contract will be divided along the duration of the OC1 phase and between the five participant companies: Bittium, Indra, Leonardo, Radmor, and Thales.

The contract has no effect on Bittium's financial outlook for the year 2017, published on 10th October 2017 in Bittium's financial guidance for the year 2017.

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