
PCMCIA card kits support ExpressCard/34 and 54 form factors

18th April 2007
ES Admin

AVX Corporation has developed next generation PCMCIA card kits that support both the ExpressCard/34 (34mm wide) and ExpressCard/54 (54mm wide) form factors. Part of AVX’s PCI ExpressCard product family, the 9186 and 9187 series PCI ExpressCard kits feature a locking mechanism that snaps into the kit frame providing maximum strength and rigidity to the connector kit.

“AVX’s 9186 and 9187 PCI ExpressCard kits are smaller and simpler to use than current products,” says Product Manager, Rakesh Shah. “The PCI ExpressCards have been designed using Elco’s unique interlocking snap mechanism to ensure the kit is strong and robust. This also means that these products can be assembled using very simple bench-press tooling, so there is no need to invest in expensive processes such as ultrasonic welding or heat adhesion.”

The kits can also include built-in SIM card, making them suitable for GPRS and WLAN-related applications as well as Bluetooth, mobile communication and industrial PC applications. The complete kit combines the 26 way RoHS-compliant connectors on one end, two interlocking covers and customized plastic extensions to accommodate components that require additional board space as well as LEDs or other signal confirmation components.

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