Analog Devices Inc.

Price range: $0.00 - $17.44
The MAX7401/MAX7405 8th-order, lowpass, Bessel, switched-capacitor filters (SCFs) operate from a single +5V (MAX7401) or +3V (MAX7405) supply. These devices draw only 2mA of supply current and allow corner frequencies from 1Hz to 5kHz, making them ideal for low-power post-DAC filtering and anti-aliasing applications. They feature a shutdown mode that reduces supply current to 0.2µA.Two clocking options are available on these devices: self-clocking (through the use of an external capacitor) or external clocking for tighter corner-frequency control. An offset adjust pin allows for adjustment of the DC output level.The MAX7401/MAX7405 Bessel filters provide low overshoot and fast settling. Their fixed response simplifies the design task to selecting a clock frequency.ApplicationsADC Anti-AliasingAir-Bag ElectronicsCT2 Base StationsPost-DAC FilteringSpeech Processing
MAX7401EPA+ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.
