Analog Devices Inc.

Price range: $0.00 - $11.96
The OP90 is a high performance, micropower op amp thatoperates from a single supply of 1.6 V to 36 V or from dualsupplies of ±0.8 V to ±18 V. The input voltage range includesthe negative rail allowing the OP90 to accommodate inputsignals down to ground in a single-supply operation. The OP90’soutput swing also includes a ground when operating from asingle-supply, enabling “zero-in, zero-out” operation.The OP90 draws less than 20 μA of quiescent supply current,while able to deliver over 5 mA of output current to a load. Theinput offset voltage is below 150 μV eliminating the need for external nulling.Gain exceeds 700,000 and common-moderejection is better than 100 dB. The power supply rejectionratio of under 5.6 μV/V minimizes offset voltage changes experiencedin battery-powered systemsThe low offset voltage and high gain offered by the OP90 bringprecision performance to micropower applications. The minimalvoltage and current requirements of the OP90 suit it for batteryand solar powered applications, such as portable instruments,remote sensors, and satellites.
OP90GSZ Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.
