Analog Devices Inc.

Price range: $0.75 - $6.39
The MAX13042E–MAX13045E 4-channel, bidirectionallevel translators provide the level shifting necessary for100Mbps data transfer in multivoltage systems. TheMAX13042E–MAX13045E are ideally suited for leveltranslation in systems with four channels. Externallyapplied voltages, VCC and VL, set the logic levels oneither side of the device. Logic signals present on theVL side of the device appear as a high-voltage logicsignal on the VCC side of the device and vice-versa.The MAX13042E–MAX13045E operate at full speedwith external drivers that source as little as 4mA outputcurrent or larger. Each input/output (I/O) channel ispulled up to VCC or VL by an internal 30µA currentsource, allowing the MAX13042E–MAX13045E to bedriven by either push-pull or open-drain drivers.The MAX13042E–MAX13045E feature an enable (EN)input that places the devices into a low-power shutdownmode when driven low. The MAX13042E–MAX13045Efeature an automatic shutdown mode that disables thepart when VCC is less than VL. The state of I/O VCC_ and I/O VL_ during shutdown is chosen by selecting the appropriate part version. (See the Ordering Information/Selector Guide in the full data sheet).The MAX13042E–MAX13045E operate with VCC voltagesfrom +2.2V to +3.6V and VL voltages from +1.62Vto +3.2V, making them ideal for data transfer betweenlow-voltage ASIC/PLDs and higher voltage systems.The MAX13042E–MAX13045E are available in 12-bumpUCSP™ (1.54mm x 2.12mm) and 14-pin TDFN (3mm x 3mm) packages, and operate over the extended -40°C to +85°C temperature range.ApplicationsCell PhonesCMOS Logic-Level TranslationGPSLow-Voltage ASIC Level TranslationPortable Communication DevicesPortable POS SystemsSPI™ and MICROWIRE™ Level TranslationTelecommunications Equipment
MAX13042EEBC+T Inventory
by: Analog Devices Inc.
