PSMA Announces Availability of On-Line Energy Efficiency Standards Database
The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) has announced availability of its On-line Energy Efficiency Database (EEDB) as a service to the industry. The number of energy efficiency standards and the world wide agencies that generate them continue to grow daily. It is time consuming for an individual or company to keep track of the many actions and activities by government and industry groups. The PSMA on-line energy efficiency standards database provides one click access to the very latest global standards and initiatives.
As a result of user feedback on an earlier version of the database, PSMA has incorporated a number of improvements. Some of the useful features:* Quick access to world region, agency, or standards application
* Expanded data includes list of specific standards generated by an agency and parametric specifications for each regulation
* Expanded description of regulations and agencies
* Enhanced descriptions that include html code for quick linking to agency site or database location
* Latest schedule of standards meetings
Dusty Becker, PSMA Board Chairman and chair of the PSMA Energy Efficiency Committee, states that The PSMA On-line Energy Efficiency Data Base which incorporates a number of improvements suggested by product planners to keep current is a valuable resource for engineers. We are pleased to offer this resource free of charge to our membership and to the industry.