
Tower Maximises Profit

19th May 2010
ES Admin
The Tower raises the productivity of the SMD production, reduces set-up time and ensures an error-free assembly. Thus it lowers production costs, increases capacity and profit. The Tower component storage system can be connected to pick and place machines and ERP systems of all brands.
The Tower SMD storage system releases machine operators, warehouse staff and the repair department, because it fully automatically prepares all components from a parts list. It minimizes transport costs, too, when it is installed within the production area. Placement machine set-up becomes an easy task, the time for component searching is avoided and the error rate is reduced.

The Tower is a sealed storage system in which a robotic arm handles reels and trays, stores them and provides them. Within seconds, it can retrieve any of the components stored inside and pass it to the user. It synchronizes component and inventory data with connected pick and place and ERP systems. Due to the open interface, the Tower can be connected to systems of all brands.

Placing components into the storage is also simple, fast and secure: The user must only place the reel onto the input table, the rest is done automatically by the tower. It reads the bar-code on the reel, stores the reel in any of the free slots and memorizes the transaction. It receives consumption data from the pick and place directly and updates the inventory.

The Tower supports quality assurance tasks according to ISO9001 and ISO13485 standards. It continuously measures temperature and humidity inside and records all component transactions. Therefore, it is possible to document the component history completely. For MSL controlled components (Moisture Sensitive Level), it is even possible to calculate the remaining floor life time.

The Tower stores up to 546 reels and trays in a compact footprint of 1 m2 and a height of 2.2 m, making it able to fit onto more production floors. Additionally, the system is modular ― multiple Towers can be lined up next to each other and managed by central software. The database has control over every component, their storage positions and their stock amount.

The savings and other added values achieved when using the automatic Tower SMD storage system guarantee high profitability. This system saves setup time, avoids placement errors and prevents costly repairs. Additionally, it allows component tracking when multiple persons or departments must have access. The Tower is a system for every environment, including development labs and production.

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