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Efficient test coverage analysis with AI support

22nd October 2024
Sheryl Miles

As part of the SYSTEM CASCON software platform from GÖPEL electronic, Test Coverage Analyzer (TCA) has been a powerful tool providing detailed information regarding test coverage and possible test gaps.

TCA provides comprehensive information on which nets and pins have been tested sufficiently and which have not.

At electronica in Munich, GÖPEL electronic is introducing an enhancement with smartTCA: the  first AI supported test coverage analysis tool for use with embedded instruments.

Based on training from over 1000 projects, the AI initially classifies the components. It also recognises the key elements of the components (such as power/ground pins, address/control/data lines, JTAG bus signals), as well as the board architecture, and generates pseudo library models.

SYSTEM CASCON test generators import these models and generate hypothetical tests such as infrastructure test, interconnection test, RAM test, or flash test. Subsequently, the theoretically possible, estimated test coverage at pin, net, and device level is presented in the conventional manner. This allows users to quickly assess the potential of using embedded instruments and to implement appropriate test strategies.

With the new smartTCA, test coverage can be analysed quicker and with less effort. Instead of going through the entire test project development process, performing steps such as classifying components and networks, assigning library models, and creating actual test programs, smartTCA automatically runs through these tasks after importing the CAD data and bill of material. This saves the developer a great deal of time and effort, yet leaves the option of manually correcting and refining models if necessary in order to achieve an even more accurate estimation of the theoretically possible test coverage.

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