
Phaedrus Systems adds three new principals

14th September 2015
Siobhan O'Gorman

Phaedrus Systems has added three new principals. The company now distributes: Stimulus, a simulation environment to edit, debug, and test requirements from Argosim; Tracealyzer, a runtime RTOS tracing tool from Percepio; and SuperTest, a compiler test and validation suite for C and C++ from Solid Sands.

Making the announcement, Chris Hills, CTO of Phaedrus Systems, commented: "We are pleased to be able to announce that three new and outstanding tools will be available in the UK. Each of them caries out a task that adds to the developer's ability to create embedded systems that meet the demanding requirement the safety standards of automotive, aerospace, railways, nuclear and other critical systems applications."

Fabien Gaucher, CEO, Argosim, said: "Stimulus, through requirements capture, simulation and validation before implementation starts, gives system architects and developers confidence that they will not have to go back through the loop of redefining requirements, re-writing code and re-debugging, so reducing design time and costs."

Marianne Damstra, CCO, Solid Sands, commented: "Developers working to safety standards increasingly need to demonstrate the capability of the tools they are using. Compiler validation, demonstrating that the compiler conforms to the language specification and contains no errors, is increasingly important in this context, and we have built SuperTest to meet this need."

Dr. Johan Kraft, Founder and CEO, Percepio, said: "To effectively develop and debug embedded software, you need the ability to trace the running software and proper visualisation tools to facilitate analysis. Percepio Tracealyzer provides that insight for a range of operating systems, including Linux, FreeRTOS, SafeRTOS, Micrium µC/OS, SEGGER embOS, On Time RTOS-32 and Wind River VxWorks."

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