Oxford Instruments gets major order for 56 helium compressor systems
Oxford Instruments Austin Scientific, has secured a major order for 56 helium compressor systems with a total value of $1,111k .The product is a unique application that has significant implications in the High Brightness Light Emitting Diode (HBLED) market, using helium gas as a heat-exchange medium in high temperature processes.
AustGeneral Manager of Austin Scientific, Donald Gordon, said “This is a great achievement for our business. HBLEDs will undoubtedly play a huge role in protecting our environment in the future, and I am delighted that our products have been chosen to support this growing market. Everyone here has contributed to this success and I congratulate them.”
Austin Scientific supplies, refurbishes and services cryopumps and compressors for the semi-conductor industry, and is based in Austin, Texas USA. It was recently won the best of local business award in the Gas Compressors category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) for the second year running.