Events News

Industry session explores 3D power packaging

24th February 2014
Nat Bowers

At APEC 2014, The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) Packaging Committee is sponsoring an industry session, titled: “3D Packaging for Power Electronics”. The session will present proven and available techniques to implement 3D packaging in power supplies today, while speakers from leading research facilities will provide a look into the future.

The PSMA-sponsored industry session will take place on Thursday afternoon, March 20, 2014, 2:00-5:30 p.m. at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. The session will be co-chaired by Ernie Parker, Crane Aerospace & Electronics, and Brian Narveson, Narveson Consulting.

Already being applied in semiconductors, components and power supply designs, 3D packaging technologies may provide additional options to help the power supply industry meet the continuous challenge of increasing power density while lowering cost. During the session, seven industry and research experts will provide an overview of current applications and insights which may enable attendees to anticipate and identify potential opportunities for their companies to participate in markets with this emerging technology.

Ernie Parker and Brian Narveson commented: “This industry session will not only be very informative but will also provide an opportunity for attendees to interact with other professionals who are active in the evolving application of 3D packaging in component and power supply designs. We encourage people to register for APEC 2014, make plans to attend the industry session on 3D packaging, and to consider participating in the other PSMA sponsored meetings during the week.”

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