Crystek introduces 26.5 GHz hand-formidable coaxial cable assembly
Crystek has introduced a line of 26.5 GHz Hand Formable Coaxial Cable Assemblies. Designed to operate from DC to 26.5 GHz, the hand-formable CCSMA26.5-MM-086 Cable Assemblies are ideally suited for jumpers, instrumentation, and high-frequency interconnects. The 50-Ohm cables provide an attenuation value of 1.40dB/ft. at 26.5 GHz, and offer shielding effectiveness of greater than 100dB with an operating temperature range of -40 to +85ºC. Electrically matched pairs are also available.
CrysCrystek's stocking distributors also support a large variety of other coaxial cable assemblies in a variety of configurations. For pricing details, contact Crystek Corporation.