
The SMART-FI City of the Future

16th December 2016
Enaie Azambuja

Today, 54% of the world population live in cities and by 2050, this figure is estimated to reach 66%. Worldwide, cities are ever-stronger facing numerous challenges and a stringent need to optimise their urban processes, infrastructure and facilities, such as urban transportation and energy management, in order to make the cities of the future smarter and more livable.

SMART-FI is a 1.5 M€ project with the main aim to provide a Smart City platform that will serve as a foundation for creating a sustainable ecosystem for realising future Smart Cities. Main objective of the SMART-FI project is to facilitate the interaction between humans and smart devices in three main activities: collecting, communicating and exploiting Smart City data.

To this end, the SMART-FI platform strives to enable collecting the data from a variety of sources, such as sensors, mobile devices or public services. Secondly, the platform will provide mechanisms to enable homogenising and communicating the data coming from different networks and protocols.

Finally, it will provide facilities to develop, deploy and orchestrate novel Smart City services, e.g. for predictions and recommendations, in order to enable transforming the city data into disruptive innovation building blocks for the Smart Cities of the future.

The Distributed Systems Group (DSG) of TU Wien is one on the partners in the SMART-FI project and the leader of the key work package focusing on research and innovation.

The DSG plays a prominent role in developing design methodologies and models for implementing unified Smart City data analytic functions, as well as the runtime models for integration, deployment and operations of Smart City services.

These models will enable seamless development and management of micro data analytics services, which will serve as one of the main building blocks of the SMART-FI platform and a cornerstone for a sustainable Smart City ecosystem.

Together with their partners, DSG is also building a comprehensive tool suite for micro data analytics services, based on cutting-edge data processing architectures and technologies such as lambda architecture, microservices and reactive data streams.

The main objective is to address some of the most important challenges in Smart City data analytics, such as dynamic, on-demand governance and elasticity management of the resource, quality and cost dimensions of the data analytics micro services.

The solutions delivered by the SMART-FI project are expected to provide a significant impact on managing and optimising some of the most important aspects of the future Smart Cities, such as urban energy, urban transportation and public services.

To demonstrate the practical feasibility of the proposed solutions and showcase their benefits for the variety of involved stakeholders, e.g. citizens, city representatives and governing institutions, SMART-FI will be piloted in the city of Malaga (Spain), the city of Karlshamn (Sweden) and the city of Malatya (Turkey).

The SMART-FI energy solutions will aim to enable optimising existing planning and operation energy models, as well as to facilitate the development of more complex energy models for the Smart Cities of the future.

For instance, SMART-FI will facilitate exploiting buildings energy data to analyse energy efficiency and historical consumption patterns, in order to determine and predict energy demand peaks and therefore to assist in city-wide energy generation, transportation and load balancing processes.

Moreover, the urban transportation solutions are intended to assist citizens and city planners, by enabling development of Smart City services for real-time traffic recommendations.

To this end, the SMART-FI platform will enable collecting and analysing Smart City telematics data in real time and provide facilities to support service and applications developers in making more accurate recommendations regarding immediate or near-future traffic and mobility patterns within a city.

The SMART-FI consortium is formed by ATOS Spain SA, NetPort Science Park, SAMPAS Bilisim ve Iletisim Sistemleri AS, TU Wien and University of Málaga. Additionally, the SMARTI-FI project is supported by the Municipality of Málaga, Municipality of Karlshamn and Malatya Metropolitan Municipality (real-life pilots for the SMART-FI).

The project is funded within the ERA-Net Urban Europe Joint Programming Initiative with support from the funding agencies in each country: FFG (Austria), CDTI (Spain), Tübitak (Turkey) and Energimyndigheten (Sweden).

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