Software option offers DVB-S2X satellite transmission test solution
Rohde & Schwarz is extending the functional range of its R&S SMW200A vector signal generator to include the DVB-S2 satellite standard and its extension DVB-S2X. With a new software option it provides a simple solution for testing components, devices and satellites that support these standards.
It is the first single-device solution on the market to generate DVB-S2/DVB-S2X signals not only as IF signals below 6 GHz but also on transmission frequencies in the Ku band and other microwave bands up to 40 GHz.
DVB-S2 is the standard that delivers digital satellite TV to millions of end users. The DVB-S2X extension is already in the starting block and features higher transmission rates to support UHD/4K picture resolution.
The standard defines modulation and physical characteristics tailored to the transmission of digital data between satellite and earth.
This makes DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X optimal for TV signal transmission and for data transmission via commercial and government satellite systems. These transmissions are not limited to the Ku band; they are often found on the Ka band.
The R&S SMW200A vector signal generator now has the R&S SMW-K116 software option which can provide DVB-S2/DV-S2X signals at symbol rates up to 600Msymbol/s.
The new option supports all MODCOD configurations defined in ETSI EN 302 307-1 V1.4.1 and ETSI EN 302 307-2 V1.1.1 and allows users to test components such as amplifiers and filters, complete modules and receivers integrated in terminal devices.
With a maximum output frequency of 40 GHz, the R&S SMW200A is the first single-device solution that can test RF frontends and components operating at the target frequency.
The R&S SMW200A delivers the physically correct signals required for these tests and eliminates the need for complex setups involving multiple instruments and an external PC for signal generation.