Test & Measurement

Software alleviates ADA test process

12th April 2016
Mick Elliott

The latest release of VectorCAST/Ada is available from Vector Software. VectorCAST/Ada is a dynamic software test solution that automates Ada unit, integration, and system testing, necessary for validating safety-critical embedded systems. This newest release of VectorCAST/Adaincorporates many new features and enhancements. Stubbing of functions can now be dynamically controlled on a per-test-case basis in VectorCAST/Ada.

This allows testing to be performed on one individual function in complete isolation from its dependent functions.

A new Change-Based Testing functionality built into VectorCAST/Ada allows engineers to quickly and easily assess the impact of a source code change on not only their code but the entire software application.

Code coverage analysis support for Ada 2012 allows engineers to gauge the effectiveness of tests by identifying which areas of an application were exercised during a test.

VectorCAST/Ada incorporates the four versions of the Ada language standard: Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, and Ada 2012.

“Organisations developing safety-critical applications require tools that help them improve time-to-market and reduce development and verification costs through structural code coverage analysis,” commented John Paliotta, Chief Technology Officer at Vector Software. "VectorCAST/Ada enables engineers to quickly and easily assess the impact of a source code change on not only their code, but the entire software application."

“Vector Software is enriching the Ada ecosystem significantly thanks to this new version of VectorCAST supporting Ada 2012,” said Cyrille Comar, AdaCore President. "This is good news for the increasing number of high Integrity developers choosing to follow the programming-by-contract paradigm.” AdaCore has been a longtime partner of Vector Software.

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