Test & Measurement

SMAC shakes up aerospace test capabilities

28th June 2021
Alex Lynn

Aerospace application specialist, SMAC has expanded its test capabilities with two new shakers to ensure all measurements are highly accurate and meet their customers' exacting standards. As a producer of customised parts for the protection of equipment used in harsh environments, such as high-altitudes and space, SMAC required a reliable vibration test solution that could model a new damper and validate its behaviour within a tight time frame.

Its customers such as Airbus, Safran or Ariane Espace, issue incredibly strict performance requirements, including a very precise elastomer stiffness.

The company consulted with test and measurement experts at Hottinger Brüel & Kjær (HBK), who - following a thorough review - recommended an LDS V8 shaker system for high-force testing and an LDS V721 shaker system for less severe testing.

Head of SMAC’s test laboratory, Pierre Lamy said: “The tests are carried out not only on the prototypes of the envisaged damper, but also on the raw material, elastomer being an extremely non-linear material. It is, therefore, essential at all stages of product development that we have a shaker for our vibration tests. It is the shaker test feedback that guides us at every stage of the design and manufacture of our products. It is also important for us to make sure that the moulds we make for manufacture do not need to be rebuilt.

“We also have strict deadlines and the LDS V8 system for high-force testing and the LDS V721 parallel system for less severe testing, have proved to be the most appropriate choices to ensure that all our present and future vibration testing is carried out to the highest standards.”

The new shakers - a V8 with a nominal force of 57,000 newtons and a V721 with a force of 3,000 newtons - have been installed at SMAC'S laboratory in Toulon.

The full article is available on HBK's website.


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