Six-in-one scope features at embedded world show
The R&S Scope Rider, the first portable oscilloscope for mobile use with the functionality of a lab instrument which was launched last week will be a highlight of Rohde & Schwarz’s display at embedded world in Nuremberg (Feb 23-25.) The oscilloscope packs five test instruments into a compact format: a lab oscilloscope, logic analyser, protocol analyser, data logger and digital multimeter.
Its robust design makes it perfect for mobile installation and maintenance work.
The fully insulated instrument meets measurement category CAT IV requirements and can be used to perform measurements at the source of low-voltage installations up to 600V.
Other highlights include the new entry-level R&S HMO1202 mixed signal oscilloscope and the R&S RTM, R&S RTE and R&S RTO oscilloscope families and accessories.
Featuring a range of trigger and decoding options as well as options for compliance testing, these oscilloscopes provide valuable support in design verification, commissioning, debugging and compliance testing for a wide range of users in areas ranging from embedded design and mobile communications to automotive.