Test & Measurement

Saelig introduces Siglent SNA5000A vector network analyser range expanded to 26.5GHz

1st March 2023
Harry Fowle

Saelig has introduced two new models in the Siglent SNA5000A vector network analysers (VNA) range – 13.5GHz and 26.5GHz.

The extended SNA5000A network analyser range is offered as 2- or 4-port devices with frequency ranges from 9kHz to 4.5GHz or 8.5GHz and from 100kHz to 13.5GHz or 26.5GHz, with a resolution of 1Hz, a dynamic range of 125dB, and a level resolution of 0.05dB. Some models support measurements such as scattering parameters, differential parameters, time-domain parameters, Q-factor, and filter bandwidth and insertion loss. SNA5000A VNAs feature impedance conversion, movement of measurement plane, limit testing, ripple test, fixture simulation and adapter removal/insertion adjustments. Bias-tees are also supported.

The analysers support 2/4 port S-parameters and differential S-parameter measurements with a variety of display formats, such as Smith, SWR, Polar, etc. They can conveniently and quickly analyse the transmission coefficient, reflection coefficient, standing wave ratio, impedance matching and other parameters of test devices. Time domain analysis can be performed with the optional SNA5000-TDA (Time Domain Analysis) or SNA5000-TDR (Enhanced Time Domain Analysis) eye diagrams.

These VNA analysers provide five sweep types: Linear-Frequency mode, Log-Frequency mode, Power-Sweep mode, CW-Time mode and Segment-Sweep mode. Operation is simplified with the VNA’s large 12.1” touchscreen, which operates in addition to traditional front-panel buttons. An HDMI output is provided so that an even larger display or projector may be used. Many useful display modes may be selected, such as: multi-window, multi-format, display hold, memory comparison, and impedance conversion. Calibration choices include: Response calibration, Enhanced Response calibration, Full-one port calibration, Full-two port calibration, Full-three port calibration, Full-four port calibration, and TRL calibration.  LAN and USB interfaces are provided (USB-GPIB optional) to allow local or long-distance remote control.

SIGLENT has also added the SNA5000-SMM scalar mixer measurement function to the latest FW version of SNA5000A vector network analyser. Mixers are an important part of microwave systems, and their characteristics, including conversion loss, phase and group delay, the 1dB compensation point, isolation between ports, and port VSWR all need verification.

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