Test & Measurement

PROFITEST PVsun - New Tester for PV Modules and Strings

4th May 2012
ES Admin
Connect – Switch On – Start Measurement - Read - Ready. This is the simple message how Gossen Metrawatt (Sales partner MC Technologies) introduce the new tester for PV Modules and Strings called PROFITEST PV.
PROFITEST-PV allows the measurement of I-U-Parameters as well as Photovoltaic-Modules and Strings. A new patented procedure enables the test unit to read peak power, serial resistance, parallel resistance at the same time. All information can be read out on a high resolution color display,
even under direct sunlight conditions.

Searching for failures in the PV system and documentation of the system quality can be done fast and easy, without time consuming technical training. This meaningful test gives customer security and saves possible later appearing costs. Further on the measured power can be used for performance reasons.

The measured characteristic curves allow additional information collecting, making the PROFITEST interesting for research and design.

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