Tech Videos

LTspice: SAR ADC Driver Interface

4th April 2014
Staff Reporter

High-performance SAR ADCs can offer amazing dynamic range and linearity at faster and faster sample rates. But how do you design the amplifier and interface at the analog inputs? LTspice can help. This video shows how to use LTspice to simulate the analog input interface of high-performance SAR ADCs. We will look at charge kick-back, settling time, and noise, and how to make trade-offs between sometimes conflicting goals.

LTspice IV is a powerful, fast and free simulation tool, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of switching regulators. To launch a ready to run LTspice demonstration circuit for this part:

Step 1: If you have not installed LTspice on this computer, download and install LTspice IV
Step 2: Once LTspice is installed, click on the link(s) below to launch the simulation
SAR ADC Driver Interface: Amp Plus ADC
SAR ADC Driver Interface: Amp Plus ADC w/ Noise
SAR ADC Driver Interface: Amp Plus ADC w/ Noise2
Step 3: If LTspice IV does not automatically open after clicking the link above, you can instead run the simulation by right clicking on the link and selecting "Save Target As". After saving the file to your computer, start LTspice and open the demonstration circuit by selecting 'Open' from the 'File' menu
To explore other ready to run LTspice demonstration circuits, please visit our Demo Circuits Collection.

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