The quick start guide for STM32 and Unicleo-GUI
Unicleo-GUI is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the X-CUBE-MEMS1 software expansion and STM32 Nucleo expansion boards (X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2).
The main objective of this application is to demonstrate the functionality of ST sensors and algorithms supported by X-CUBE-MEMS1.
Key features:
- Display data from connected sensors in various views (time plot, scatter plot, 3D plot)
- Save data to tab separated (TSV) or comma separated (CSV) files
- Configurable output data rate and full scale
- Direct read from and write to sensor registers
- Works with X-CUBE-MEMS1 (Datalog, DatalogExtended) sample applications
- Works with sample applications for algorithms (Activity - Recognition, Carry Position, Gesture Recognition, Sensor Fusion, Pedometer, Magnetometer Calibration, Accelerometer Calibration, Gyroscope calibration, Activity Recognition for Wrist, Pose Estimation, Motion Intensity Detection, Fitness Activity, eCompass)
- Windows-based application