Search results for "AdaCore"
Barco Selects Adacore For Advanced Avionics Applications
AdaCore today announced that global display company Barco has developed an advanced business jet avionics display system using the AdaCore GNAT Pro Ada development environment. Barco selected the GNAT Pro High Integrity Edition , along with the Traceability Kit, running on Wind River's VxWorks 653 RTOS in order to meet the highest levels of safety standard DO-178B.
SPARK Pro Adopted by secunet
The company secunet Security Networks AG, one of Germany’s largest IT security providers, announced today that it has adopted the SPARK Pro development environment. SPARK Pro, a Freely Licensed Open Source Software (FLOSS) product created by AdaCore and Altran Praxis, will be used by secunet as a strategic technology to build highly robust security-critical applications.
“Project P” and “Hi-MoCo” Research Projects Launched
AdaCore today announced its participation in “Project “P” and “Hi-MoCo” (High-Integrity Model Compiler), two open-source research efforts supported and partly funded by the French and Estonian national governments and the European EUREKA agency. The combined projects, which started in October 2011, aim to provide an open-source, tunable and qualifiable code generation framework for domain-specific modeling languages.
AdaCore Releases GNAT Pro 6.3
AdaCore today announced the latest major release of its GNAT Pro Ada development environment. GNAT Pro 6.3 is now available on several new platforms including 64-bit Windows, Windows 7, Mac OS X Snow Leopard, VxWorks MILS, and PikeOS (ARINC 653). The product incorporates performance improvements and a variety of enhancements, many based on customer feedback, and it offers the first implementation of new Ada 2012 features. GNAT Pro 6.3 works with ...
Airbus Military Certifies to DO-178B level A Using GNATcheck
AdaCore today announced that Airbus Military has successfully certified the Airbus Military Aerial Refueling Boom System (ARBS) on the A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT).
Ada-Europe Kicks Off its First Annual Student Programming Contest “The Ada Way”
Ada-Europe, the international organisation that promotes the knowledge and use of the Ada programming language in European academia, research and industry, is pleased to announce The Ada Way. This annual student programming contest aims to attract students and educators to Ada in a form that is both fun and instructive. Entries are now open for the 2010-11 competition and judging takes place in May next year.
AdaCore Releases GNAT Pro 7.0
AdaCore today announced the availability of GNAT Pro 7.0, a major new version of the company’s flagship development environment product. This latest annual release completely implements the upcoming Ada 2012 language revision, offers a range of improvements (many based on user suggestions), supports several new platforms, includes an important new testing tool (GNATtest), and enhances several existing tools. As with all AdaCore products, GNAT P...
Altran Praxis Adds Increased Expertise and Support to its SPARK Product Team
Altran Praxis has today announced the appointment of Stuart Matthews as SPARK Product Manager. He will work alongside Rod Chapman, who continues at Altran Praxis as SPARK Technical Authority. The new appointment ensures that SPARK customers can benefit from a bigger and highly experienced team, continuing to provide high quality consultancy and support on SPARK.
AdaCore Releases GNAT Pro High-Integrity Edition Version 6.3 For Wind River VxWorks MILS Platform
AdaCore, a leading supplier of Ada development tools and support services, today announced the first major release of its GNAT Pro High-Integrity Edition for MILS. The High-Integrity Edition for MILS (Multiple Independent Levels of Security) product is a specialised security application development environment supporting the creation and security certification of applications at the high end for EALs (Evaluation Assurance Levels) 5 through 7, as ...
AdaCore Releases New GNATcoverage Tool
AdaCore, a leading supplier of Ada development tools and support services, today announced the release of GNATcoverage, a tool that analyzes and reports program coverage. Originally developed as part of the Couverture research project, GNATcoverage performs coverage analysis on both object code — instruction and branch coverage – and Ada and C language source code – statement, decision and Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC). Unlik...