Search results for "arduino"
Audio codec meets the needs of 'wearables' market
A low power audio codec, the DA7212, has been launched by Dialog Semiconductor. The company claims that the codec hasunsurpassed always-on power consumption to enable ‘voice trigger’ activated applications.The DA7212 is a 24 bit audio CODEC that supports digital or analogue MEMS microphones and offers a number of DSP features including ALC, 5 band EQ and noise gate.
UDOO joins open source, single board computer fray
A single board embedded PC with around four times the processing power of the Raspberry Pi is now exclusively available from its UK distributor Rapid Electronics. The UDOO features a quad core ARM i.MX6 Freescale CPU processor which runs at 1GHz and packs 1GB of DDR3 RAM.
Controller enables secure over-air transmission for IoT
Providing IoT designers with secure over-air transmission, LPRS's easyRadio Integrated Controller (eRIC) is available with an AES 128 bit data encryption option. Available with operating frequencies for World Markets, the eRIC is just half the size and half the cost of the easyRadio range and can be set by users to operate in a number of low power modes offering current consumption as low as 32µA.
Cortex-A5 evaluation kit speeds microprocessor-based designs
Farnell element14 and Atmel today (February 25) announced the launch of Atmel’s new SAMA5D3 Xplained evaluation kit, a low-cost, fast prototyping and evaluation platform for microprocessor-based design. The board, which is based on Atmel’s SAMA5D3 ARM Cortex-A5 processor-based MPU, comes with a rich set of ready-to-use connectivity and storage peripherals, along with Arduino shield-compatible expansion headers for easy customisation.
Simplifying HMI development on intelligent displays
With the cooperation continuing to deliver major benefits to the electronic engineering community, FTDI Chip and 4D Systems have introduced two products offering design engineers a foundation on which to construct compelling HMIs in a quick and trouble-free manner. This latest offering complementsthe recently announced 4DLCD-FT843 intelligent display solution.
Development boards support "Arduino Shields"
The new Nucleo Development Boards from ST Microelectronics are now available at Mouser Electronics. The boards target anyone that wants to get started using ST's STM32 product families featuring ARMCortex‑M0, Cortex‑M3, and Cortex‑M4 microcontrollers, and are compatible with a wide range of expansion boards.
Using the Intel Galileo as a smart lighting controller
In this video, the Intel Galileo Arduino-compatible development board is used as a smart lighting controller.
MEMS evaluation board connects to Raspberry Pi
Farnell element14’s MEMS Sensor Evaluation Board is for developing projects and designs on multiple platforms. The sensor board contains multiple Freescale Xtrinsic sensors including the MPL3115 high-precision pressure sensor, the MAG3110 low-power 3D magnetometer, as well as the MMA8491Q 3-Axis, digital accelerometer making it ideal for applications such as navigation devices, remote controls, wireless controllers, tablet computers or even...
Mouser unboxes the Intel Galileo Development Board
The Intel Galileo Development Board is the first in a new family of Arduino-compatible development boards for those looking to take designs to the next level.
chipKIT ecosystem expanded with Digilent development tools
The Arduino compatible chipKIT ecosystem from Microchip has been expanded to include two new development tools from Digilent, and an embedded cloud software framework. Minimising the the need for users to purchase additional hardware or shields, Digilent’s chipKIT WF32 board integrates with Microchip’s 32-bit PIC32MX695F512L MCU with Full Speed USB 2.0 Host/Device/OTG, its agency-certified MRF24WG0MA Wi-Fi module and an energy-saving ...