Search results for "arduino"
Coding platform opens new route to wireless design
The Digi XBee / Arduino-Compatible Coding Platform is now available exclusively from distributor Digi-Key for $99. The platform, developed by Digi International, provides a comprehensive resource for developers to learn about the XBee API and other key features that enable reliable wireless communications for many real-world applications, such as, working control systems and sensing networks.
Programme accelerates IoT development
Atmel has launched the Atmel IoT Cloud Ecosystem Partner Program. The programme enables developers using Atmel | SMART MCUs and Atmel SmartConnect wireless solutions to access Atmel’s ecosystem cloud partners for device management, data analytics, and visualisation in order to experience an end-to-end IoT solution development ‘out of the box’.
Arduino extension board aids IoT ideas
The Arduino M0 Pro, a simple and powerful extension of the 32-bit Arduino platform established by the Arduino Uno board is now on sale at RS Components. Aimed at embedded engineers, hackers and students, the Arduino M0 Pro board is designed to help the development of innovative ideas for smart Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, wearable technologies, high-tech automation, robotics and other imaginative projects.
Mouser, Adafruit pair up in global pact
A global distribution pact has been agreed by Mouser Electronics and Adafruit. Adafruit was founded in 2005 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineer Limor "Ladyada" Fried. It offers unique and fun DIY electronics, kits, and open-source hardware that turn everyday objects into high-tech prototypes suitable for education and advanced production concepts.
LCD development module accelerates HMI design
The VM801B Embedded Video Engine (EVE) LCD development module from FTDI is now available from distributor Alpha Micro. Based around FTDI’s FT801 EVE display controller IC the module provides a perfect platform from which to implement touchscreen human machine interfaces (HMI) using an object-oriented approach.
The appetite for consumer robotics is growing
While the field of robotics may have recently been labelled the 'fastest growing industry in the world', robots themselves continue to be associated with the unpredictable, triggering extreme emotions amongst the general population. By Simon Holt, Marketing Manager, element14.
IoT a target for high performance microcontroller
The STM32F7 MCU series from ST Microelectronics, a microcontroller that features the 32-bit ARM Cortex-M7 processor is in stock at distributor RS Components. The Cortex-M7 is the latest high performance processor core in the Cortex-M family and has been designed for use in advanced consumer, industrial, medical and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
Build your own robot
Seek N’Sneakis an Arduino Mega 2560 powered self-controlled robot which is able to find objects, pick them up and relocate them. The two driving wheels of this robot are powered by independently controlled motors and equipped with 128-steps-per-revolution encoders allowing for precise control of the angular position of the wheel, as well as its velocity and acceleration.
The key to stop you getting board
We spend our days at a keyboard and most of our nights, too. The keyboard is how we practice our craft. Something even a little bit more comfortable makes a world of difference. Something even a little bit better designed will help us be happier and more productive.
IPv6 over Bluetooth Smart lays IoT foundations
Vendors are introducing Bluetooth Smart sensors that promise to accelerate the roll out of the Internet of Things. These new devices leverage existing Internet standards for end-to-end compatibility. By John Leonard, Tactical Marketing Manager, Nordic Semiconductor.