Search results for "IDTechEx"
OLED lighting: will it eventually disrupt or fade away?
OLED lighting technology has faced a difficult challenge since the very beginning in the shape of inorganic LEDs. The challenge was that LED lighting got there first and leveraged its accumulated production experience to improve its performance and to reduce its costs. This in turn created a large gap between the two technologies that shows no signs of narrowing.By Dr. Khasha Ghaffarzadeh, Head of Consulting, IDTechEx.
Where did I put that speaker?
Steve Rogerson looks at some of the recent news that may have missed the front page.
Top trends in 3D printing for 2016
3D Printing Europe on 27th & 28th April in Berlin has a speaker programme which has been carefully curated by IDTechEx analysts to cover all the latest innovations in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. Extensive analysis has highlighted a few key trends, and IDTechEx has brought together a wide range of industry experts to talk about 3D Printing and new materials.
Electrically conductive adhesives enabling low temperature electronics
Materials are needed to replace the estimated 50,000 metric tons of tin-lead solder currently used each year, but there are no 'drop-in' replacements for eutectic tin-lead solder. $1.2bn of Electrically Conductive Adhesives (ECAs) are already selling each year and they are becoming increasingly common to replace solders in a variety of functions, applications and industries.
The Future of Wearable Technology at IDTechEx Wearable Europe 2016
IDTechEx Wearable Europe brings together a global community of innovators behind the best of wearable technology today. IDTechEx analysts have constructed a two-day agenda assembling key innovators and thought leaders to discuss key aspects of this rapidly evolving industry. Within the broader IDTechEx show, you will see the best of new technology that is already causing disruption today, as well as a glimpse at the materials, components and prod...
'Fit and forget' miniature battery suits IoT sensors
A miniaturised solid state battery technology for IoT devices, the Stereax M250 has been introduced by Ilika, a spin-out from the School of Chemistry at the University of Southampton. Addressing the key challenge of always-on, self-charging and efficient energy, Ilika’s Stereax battery family will enable smaller, higher energy-dense batteries to accelerate IoT products to market.
Flexible, printed and thin film batteries: A new era for energy storage
The battery market has suddenly become alive again in recent years. On the one hand, batteries are assuming new form factors, becoming ultra-thin, flexible, rollable, stretchable, etc. On the other hand, manufacturers are scrambling to offer larger batteries aimed at addressing EV and grid applications.By Dr Xiaoxi He, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx.
Microsoft tests underwater data centre for more efficient cooling
Microsoft has tested a prototype of a self-contained data centre that can operate hundreds of feet below the surface of the ocean, in efforts to reducing the need for expensive air-conditioning. By Rachel Gordon, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx.
Start-ups can exhibit free of charge at IDTechEx Show! in Berlin
Start-ups can exhibit free of charge at IDTechEx Show! in Berlin, Germany (27 - 28 April). Resarch company, IDTechEx has announed the EVES Launchpad exhibition space, but entry submissions must be received by Friday 26 February 2016.
Solar roads find many uses
Nowadays a major trend is the move to off-grid clean energy created by 'energy harvesting' to produce electricity where it is needed. This is more controllable and increasingly at lower cost than grid power or diesel gensets, cleaner and often less subject to interruption. It is taking new forms as revealed in the IDTechEx Research report, 'High Power Energy Harvesting 2016-2026'.