Search results for "solar"
Modular junction boxes help bring communally operated solar power plant to Frankfurt fairground roof
The roof of Hall 10 of the Frankfurt Messe fairground is now home to a solar power plant – an innovative, communally operated project that will meet the electricity needs of over 150 homes. Key to the success of the installation are Hensel ENYSUN type-tested distribution boards and modular, pre-wired photovoltaic junction boxes – products distributed exclusively in the UK by Telford-based electrical specialist CEE Norm.
Royal Society award for engineering expert
Professor Artur Jaworski receives the Royal Society Industry Fellowship. The Leicester engineering expert has been presented with a prestigious award for his work harnessing the power of sound as a form of energy conversion.
Sono-Tek to Highlight Cost Effective Alternative to Vapor Deposition, Producing Precision Anti-Reflection Coatings for Solar Glass Manufacturing
Sono-Tek Corporation, a US-based company specializing in ultrasonic equipment used for alternative energy product manufacturing, will highlight its ultrasonic coating equipment, including a high-speed ultrasonic reciprocating coating system, HyperSonic, in Hall 4/Level 2/A45 at the 25th EU PVSEC in Valencia, Spain from 6-9 September 2010.
IPVEA Elects New Board Members
The International PV Equipment Association (IPVEA), an independent, non-profit organization of manufacturers and suppliers of photovoltaic (PV) fabrication equipment and related raw materials, announces that its members met on September 8, 2010 during the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) in Valencia. The members elected the new board as well as decided that IPVEA will support the upcoming 26th EU PVSEC ...
King appointed new IChemE president
Desmond King, president of Chevron Technology Ventures, has been appointed as the 69th president of IChemE (the Institution of Chemical Engineers).
Capacitec High Temperature Non-Contact Displacement Sensors Offer Performance to +1000 °C in Manufacturing and Testing Applications
Capacitec, Inc. has announced the successful application of high-temperature non-contact displacement sensors within disc brake wear analysis, glass manufacturing and aircraft engine testing applications. Since the 1970’s, Capacitec high temperature non-contact sensing technology has been in use in North America, Europe and Japan to solve the most demanding applications, measuring displacement of up to 0.4” (10 mm), within extreme temperatu...
New jobs created at Stone specialist oil firm
Global Heat Transfer has created five vacancies at its Cold Meece Estate headquarters in Stone. The increased demand for personnel follows a prosperous period of growth and the company plans to double in size over the next 12 months.
Hoffman/Pentair Technical Products and OneSource Distributors Co-Develop Combiner Box to Meet Latest UL Ratings at Higher 1,000 Volts DC Operation
Box built to new industry standards at higher voltage suits solar application requirements, meeting customer requests and increasing system efficiency.