Search results for "arduino"
How to interface the LMT01 temperature sensor with Arduino
This tutorial shows you how to interface the LMT01 temperature sensor using the built in comparator, and internal reference voltage on the Arduino Uno board.
Titan II innovation truck drives into BETT 2018
BETT 2018 will host RS Components’ innovation truck Titan II. The show celebrates, inspires and explores the role of technology and innovation in the future of education. RS will be joined by several leading partners at the show, including Richard Browning, founder of the human propulsion technology start-up Gravity.
Registration doors swing open for SoC design workshops
Registration has opened for a series of interactive SpeedWay Design Workshops organised by Avnet Silica to help engineers jump-start the development of single-core Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC devices using the Avnet MiniZed Zynq SoC development kit, a cost-optimised prototyping platform for embedded vision and Industrial IoT systems.
Arduino upgrades its Create Cloud platform for IoT devices
Open source computer hardware and software company, Arduino has announced the release of a set of new features for its Create Cloud platform ( aimed at expanding the number of Arduino supported platforms for the development of IoT applications. With this release, Arduino Create Cloud users can now program Linux boards as if they were regular Arduino boards.
Global deal allies Arrow, Alorium
Arrow Electronics has entered into a global distribution agreement with Alorium Technology, a provider of compact, high-performance embedded computing solutions for the industrial and commercial internet of things (IoT) markets, technology start-ups and the advanced maker movement.
Development kit gets IoT designs to market faster
Engineers looking to get started on next-generation IoT designs can now buy the Cypress Semiconductor PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit from Farnell element14. The PSoC 6 MCU solves the challenge of emerging IoT devices that require high-performance processing and low power consumption without any trade-offs.
LoRaWAN products democratise IoT
A range of LoRaWAN products from The Things Network. The Things Gateway, The Things Uno and The Things Node which enable users to create LoRaWAN internet of things networks quickly and easily has been announced by Farnell element14. Using The Things Network Gateway users can setup a LoRaWAN network in just 5 minutes – and then use The Things Node to create a LoRaWAN prototype in one hour and develop a LoRaWAN proof of concept within a day u...
Pmods – how to get started?
Electronic componentdistributor,Transfer Multisort Elektronik (TME), has writtena beginner’s guide showcasing Pmod compatibility with the Arduino Uno platform. TME will use a sample project – Pmod NAV – described on the Digilent Projects website. The Digilent Projects website is a good starting point for working on Pmod and Arduino projects. You can browse through more than 40 Pmod projects, many of them based on Fritzing images...
Forget the IoT, now it's time for the IoD
Global developer and manufacturer of intelligent graphic display modules,4D Systems, has announced the latest addition to the range with its smallest LCD display yet. At 0.9" and powered by the popular WiFi enabled ESP8266, it is suitable for miniature IoT projects. The Internet of Displays is the company’s range of miniature feature rich displays that offer small colour displays with integrated WiFi and a microSD/HDC slot.
How to interface with HDC2010 humidity sensor with Arduino
This video tutorial from Texas Instruments will show you how to get started using the HDC2010 humidity and temperature sensor with the Arduino platform.