Search results for "fraunhofer"
Productive4.0: Microelectronics for connected production
“Productive4.0”, the largest European research initiative to date in the field of Industry 4.0, has been launched at Infineon Technologies in Dresden. Coordinated by Infineon, more than 100 partners from 19 European countries will work on digitising and networking industry. Involved in the project are partners such as BMW, Bosch, Philips, Thales, NXP, STM, SAP, ABB, Volvo and Ericsson, and leading institutes such as the Karlsruhe Inst...
Project to develop mass market UV LEDs for disinfection
Eco-friendly purification of water – UV light is already being used to kill water-borne germs but the light sources used for this purpose are still predominantly mercury vapor lamps. UV LEDs have so far proved unattractive for reasons of cost. The aim of the UNIQUE project funded by the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Media, Energy and Technology is therefore to develop high-power UV LEDs for industrial use.
Four-year additive manufacturing project results to be unveiled
At an exclusive event taking place on 7th June at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry,the results of a four year European-wide €18m project into additive manufacturing will be unveiled.The AMAZE project (Additive Manufacturing Aiming Towards Zero Waste & Efficient Production of High-Tech Metal Products), has involved 26 leading companies and institutions in industry, research and academia collaborating on what is the la...
Workshops on Optical Technologies at LASER World of PHOTONICS 2017
High power optical fibres are posing particular challenges on interconnection technology. A workshop organised by AMS Technologies on 27th June 2017 at the LASER World of PHOTONICS 2017 trade fair in Munich, Germany, will take a detailed look into these challenges and the best strategies to master them.
European collaboration to include IoT
Addressing the material challenges associated with the Internet of Things (IoT), the Necomada consortium are allowing for the integration of electronics into a wide range of everyday items.The Necomada (Nano-Enabled Conducting Materials Accelerating Device Applicability) project, which involves the collaboration of 13 partners, incorporates advanced functional materials to develop customised inks and flexible adhesives that are compatible with hi...
OLED production facility developed in China
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in Potsdam and three other German companies have been commissioned by a Chinese producer to develop an OLED production facility for its site in China. The four development partners have formed the consortium GOTA - German OLED Technology Alliance – in order to develop, under one roof, the materials and technologies needed for printed electronics and machine engineering.
Alcohol-based fluxes from Emil Otto
These are multi-fluxes, which can be used for various soldering tasks. Manual and dip soldering are used at many companies in addition to the wave and selective soldering process. Emil Otto GmbH's alcohol-based fluxes are designed for this broad application spectrum.
ECP technology enables evaluation of converter on GaN basis
Fraunhofer IAF has developed a fully integrated monolithic multilevel converter in high-volt AlGaN/GaN-on-Si technology. The integrated inverter circuit is designed for maximum voltages of +/- 400 V and currents of 5 A. The multilevel converter on an area of just 2 × 3 mm² comprises four transistors and six diodes. It provides a perfect solution for compact voltage converter applications. It was possible to demonstrate DC/AC inverter o...
Consortium looks to integrate everyday items into IoT
To allow for the integration of electronics into a wide range of everyday items, the Necomada consortium has announced that it will be addressing the material challenges associated with IoT.The Necomada (Nano-Enabled Conducting Materials Accelerating Device Applicability) project, which involves the collaboration of 13 partners, incorporates advanced functional materials to develop customised inks and flexible adhesives that are compatible with h...
CeMAT showcase at HANNOVER MESSE 2017
The slogan that is the centre at this year’s HANNOVER MESSE, ‘Logistics 4.0 Meets Industry 4.0’ will see many specialists discussing topics around this, from 24th-28th April, there will be talks, presentations and panel discussions highlighting the role of intralogistics in the industrial supply chain.