Search results for "AdaCore"
GNAT Pro 17 Development Environment developed for SYSGO’s PikeOS RTOS
The release of the GNAT Pro 17.1 development environment for SYSGO’s Real-Time Operating System PikeOS has been announced by AdaCore.With GNAT Pro 17.1, Ada users targeting PikeOS will see a number of product enhancements, including upgrades to the underlying code generator and debugger technologies (to GCC 6 and GDB 7.10, respectively), better elaboration order handling, improved stubbing in GNATtest, and enhanced debugger support in the G...
Latest qualifiable toolset brings enhanced model-level testing
The latest version of AdaCore’s model-based development and verification toolset has been released, QGen 17.1.QGen bridges the gap between control engineering and software engineering, helping customers in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as other safety-critical software-intensive domains, take full advantage of model-based development while retaining the low-level control necessary to achieve full integration with target h...
Toolset bridges gap between control & software engineering
AdaCorehas releasedQGen 17.1, the latest version of its model-based development and verification toolset. QGen bridges the gap between control engineering and software engineering, helping customers in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as other safety-critical software-intensive domains, take full advantage of model-based development while retaining the low-level control necessary to achieve full integration with target hardware.
Programming competition ‘Make with Ada’ announce winners
The winners of AdaCore’s inaugural ‘Make with Ada’ programming competition for projects implemented on ARM Cortex M or R processors has been announced.Planned as an annual event, ‘Make with Ada’ aims to showcase Ada and SPARK as language technologies that can significantly improve code quality for modern embedded systems without requiring a steep learning curve for developers unfamiliar with these languages.
Sponsorship of High Integrity Software Conference renewed
A renewed sponsorship of the annual High Integrity Software Conference has been announced by AdaCore and Altran, which will take place in Bristol on 1st November 2016.Following a successful conference in 2014 and 2015, organisers the University of Newcastle, AdaCore and Altran have once again compiled a complete technical programme to be delivered by prominent academic and industrial experts, covering topics including security, autonomy, standard...
Programming competition with €5000 top prize
The launch of the programming competition, Make with Ada, has been announced by AdaCore. It is a contest that aims to help the embedded software community improve the quality of their code by encouraging the use of the Ada and SPARK programming languages.
Software alleviates ADA test process
The latest release of VectorCAST/Ada is available from Vector Software. VectorCAST/Ada is a dynamic software test solution that automates Ada unit, integration, and system testing, necessary for validating safety-critical embedded systems. This newest release of VectorCAST/Adaincorporates many new features and enhancements. Stubbing of functions can now be dynamically controlled on a per-test-case basis in VectorCAST/Ada.
Model-based development & verification toolset updated
AdaCore has released the latest version of its model-based development and verification toolset, QGen. QGen provides a qualifiable and customisable code generator from Simulink and Stateflow models to the safety-oriented programming languages SPARK (a formally analysable Ada subset) and MISRA C. QGen 2.1 supports essentially all constructs used for modelling safety-critical control systems.
Test platform integrated with static analysis tool
The VectorCAST test automation platform has been integrated with CodePeer 3.0 - AdaCore’s advanced static code analysis tool for Ada, including version 2012. Vector Software’s VectorCAST and CodePeer now provide Development and QA teams with the ability to focus test efforts in areas most susceptible to errors.
Code generator can handle 100 Simulink blocks
AdaCore has released QGen 1.0, a qualifiable and customisable code generator and model verifier for Simulink and Stateflow models. This tool can generate MISRA C and SPARK source code producing readable, traceable, and efficient code. It is particularly suited for developing and verifying high-integrity real-time control applications, especially where safety certification is required.