
Build and program a Braccio robot in a day

24th April 2017
Barney Scott

The Braccio Tinkerkit is a low cost and great fun way to get started in robotics. Plus, if you loved Meccano as a child, this may just bring back some fond, childhood memories for you. This instalment of ‘What you can do in a day’ provides pictogram build instructions in a step-by-step format, taking you through each stage required to build the Braccio robot arm.

Article contributed by RS Components (click for original).

Open Arduino

Being an Arduino-supported product, the heavy-lifting in terms of programming has already been tackled by those who know the hardware intimately. This means that making the Braccio move is as simple as feeding it with sets of articulation angles relating to the positions we want the robot to take.

Demo code

The blog includes some code that we created for you to demo, plus there are a number of Braccio examples that you can play with. And, once you have got to grips with that if you want to advance further, take a look at the C++ and servo library source code. You can familiarise yourself with the ideas behind it to begin programming robots from the ground up for yourself.

Get full pictogram instructions and give yourself an extra hand at DesignSpark:

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