Quantum Tech

En route towards the first German quantum computer

3rd September 2024
Paige West

In collaboration with 24 German research institutions and companies, coordinated by Forschungszentrum (FZ) Jülich, Fraunhofer IPMS is contributing to the development of an integrated German quantum computer based on superconducting quantum chips with enhanced error rates.

Midway through the project, the first demonstrator is now ready for operation. Fraunhofer IPMS’s Centre for Nanoelectronic Technologies (CNT) is providing its advanced expertise in industry-compatible CMOS semiconductor manufacturing to this initiative.

At the CNT, Fraunhofer IPMS is also engaged in several research projects for GlobalFoundries, focusing on new processes and concepts for memory modules within their chip technologies. These projects, launched under the ‘Important Project of Common European Interest’ (IPCEI), aim to optimise magnetic, ferroelectric, and resistive embedded data storage, with a special emphasis on scalable and energy-efficient memory solutions. This work is particularly beneficial for applications in the Internet of Things and automotive sectors. The research, which includes developments for the 22nm FDX technology, is funded in part by the state of Saxony and the German federal government, having commenced in 2023.

Quantum computers are increasingly seen as a critical solution to the growing demand for computing power and data processing capabilities. However, significant challenges remain, particularly in making quantum processors scalable and reliable. One of the primary issues is the error-prone nature of quantum bits, or qubits. The project partners aim to create a quantum computing system using next-generation superconducting circuits that significantly reduce error rates, thereby improving qubit quality. This approach aligns with efforts being pursued by major industry players such as Google, IBM, and Intel.

A key milestone for the project is the imminent operation of a QSolid half-time demonstrator at Forschungszentrum Jülich. This prototype, featuring 10 qubits, an integrated software stack, and cloud access for users, will facilitate the testing of applications and benchmarks according to industry standards. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting the project with €76.3 million in funding.

The semiconductor manufacturing expertise applied to quantum processors Fraunhofer IPMS plays a crucial role in the ‘Technology for Hardware Integration’ work package. Alongside GlobalFoundries and Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID, the team is working on integrating CMOS control logic with the quantum processing unit (QPU). This integration aims to reduce the complexity of cabling and wiring in quantum computers, which can hinder conductivity and challenge the maintenance of low temperatures essential for qubit operation, especially as the number of qubits in future processors increases. To address these challenges, an interposer technology is being developed, focusing on high-density superconducting connections and thermal decoupling through advanced packaging. The goal is to ensure that CMOS chips remain functional under cryogenic conditions necessary for quantum computing.

The CNT at Fraunhofer IPMS leverages its capabilities in 300mm wafer standard, industry-compatible CMOS semiconductor production. This includes processes like wafer-scale deposition, nanostructuring, and cryo-electric characterisation.

“Together with our partners in Dresden, we have defined the design for the integration of CMOS and quantum chips and selected materials suited for temperature management. Based on this, we have successfully produced and tested the first-generation interposer under cryogenic conditions, demonstrating the superconducting properties of materials like indium-based bumps. Additionally, GlobalFoundries’ tests for cryogenic characterisation of CMOS chips were successful,” announced Marcus Wislicenus, Head of Quantum Technologies at Fraunhofer IPMS.

A shared quantum computing infrastructure at FZ Jülich

The development of the 10-qubit prototype marks an intermediate step towards larger-scale systems. By the project’s conclusion in December 2026, the goal is to refine the system to control up to 30 qubits with optimal error correction.

Professor Frank Wilhelm-Mauch, the project coordinator, remarked: “Over the last two and a half years, we have established excellent capabilities and launched a system with promising performance metrics. While final subsystems are still being integrated, we are already working on enhancing the prototype’s performance to handle complex computing tasks for industrial and scientific applications.”

To realise the ambitious objective of developing an independent quantum computer in Germany, QSolid unites 25 research institutions, companies, and startups from across the country. The project partners aim to pave the way for commercialisation and deliver a demonstrator available to external users via the ‘Jülich UNified Infrastructure for Quantum computing’ (JUNIQ), tailored to meet individual needs.

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