Test & Measurement
True-rms AC Ammeters from Murata
Murata Power Solutions has introduced a series of digital AC ammeters with alarm for the measurement and display of complex, true-rms, non-sinusoidal AC currents. The DATEL ACA-20RM-ALM AC Ammeters are completely self-contained and include a built-in current transformer to simplify their use in numerous applications. The integral alarm is triggered when the user-settable over current value is exceeded. The red LED display continually flashes from low to high intensity to indicate an alarm condition.
IdeaThe ACA-20RM-ALM series feature full-size 9.4mm (0.37in.), three-and-a-half digit, bright LED displays and a built-in bezel / filter assembly with metal fasteners. Operating temperature range is 0ºC to +60ºC. Overall dimensions are 53.33mm (2.1in.) x 35.56 (1.4in.) and the panel cut-out dimensions are compatible with Murata Power Solutions’ DMS-20RM rms-reading AC voltage monitors allowing straight-forward upgrades of customer instrumentation to be implemented.