Test & Measurement
Software package provides test and simulation for CAN/FMS systems
The PCAN-FMS Toolkit from Computer Solutions is a new software package designed to carry out test and simulation functions on the CAN Bus Fleet Management System (FMS) protocols used by truck and bus manufacturers. The FMS protocols (FMS and Bus-FMS ISO 11992-1) are used by a number of leading bus and truck manufacturers to provide interoperability of systems installed on commercial vehicles and buses. They include a standard set of addresses and layouts for CAN messages used in these industries.
The The user can then log all of the bus activity to a disk file. Alternatively, a previous log can be input into the FMS package and the result replayed to the CAN bus (and 'dashboard') to as a signal source for stimulus testing of an application.
The PCAN-FMS package can also create an FMS data stream by allowing the user to enter values via an easy-to-use graphics interface. Both FMS and Bus-FMS are supported.
The screen display allows the user to select one of three input modes: simulated sliders and status switches, a live CAN data stream, or a pre-recorded (and editable) file. It is possible to filter out selected messages, simulate errors, or inject selected messages.
Output options include display on the PC 'dashboard', output to a CAN interface to create a live CAN data stream, or transfer to a log file.
Also available from Computer Solutions is a truck trailer convertor (PCAN-B10011S) which links a high-speed CAN-node and a truck trailer CAN bus (ISO 11992-1). It provides direct connection to a 9-pin high-speed CAN node and switchable termination of the high-speed CAN node, with connection of the truck-trailer CAN via a 9-pin D-Sub connector.