Test & Measurement
Multitest's MT9510 x16 achieves temperature accuracy of ±2.0°C
Multitest announces that its MT9510 x16 has proven its outstanding temperature accuracy of ±2.0°C at an Asian high-volume production site. Multitest always applies the strictest measurement methods for indicating temperature accuracy, i.e. the figure stands for the dynamic temperature accuracy measured at the device under test for the entire test time.
In tThe MT9510 x16 ensures that even for 16-site test the packages are tested under the required temperature without compromise. The challenge is to maintain the pre-soaked temperature from the soaking area while the package is inserted and contacted. This only is possible with advanced temperature control at the contact site during test.
Based on its field proven experience with the MT9510 XP, Multitest combines advanced mechanical design features and leading thermal control processes to achieve this highly reliable temperature performance for high parallel test.