LXI digitisers deliver high resolution measurements
A range of high-speed 14- and 16-bit LXI-based digitiser products for applications where multiple electronic signals need to be acquired and analysed has been released by Spectrum. Twelve new instruments with up to 24, fully synchronised channels extend Spectrum's digitizerNETBOX family. The 16-bit ADC models offer sampling rates of either 130MS/s or 250MS/s, while the 14-bit units feature sampling rates of 500MS/s.
The high sampling rates and resolutions make the DN6.44x series perfect for wide-band signal capture.
The high channel density makes the instruments suitable for applications where arrays of receivers, sensors, detectors, rectifiers, antennas and other electronic devices are to be used and tested.
To ensure all models deliver excellent cross channel timing capability with minimal phase error, the ADCs on each channel are clocked synchronously.
Each channel is also equipped with its own front-end amplifier that features six input ranges (from ±200mV up to ±10V full scale), switchable input impedance (50Ω and 1MΩ) and programmable positive input offset for unipolar signals.
The analogue bandwidth is as high as 250MHz (for 500MS/s models) enabling the units to capture electronic signals in the DC to 200 MHz frequency range.
Each DN6.44x instrument is equipped with a large on-board acquisition memory of 512 MSamples per channel and advanced trigger circuitry to allow the capture of the widest range of input signals.
Each channel can act as a trigger source, as well as two external inputs, with the capability of combining all sources by AND/OR logic function.
The different acquisition modes, which include single shot (Transient Recording), streaming (FIFO), segmented (Multiple Recording), gated (Gated Sampling) or a combination of segmented and slow chart recorder operation (ABA mode), can be combined with internal trigger time stamping.
The units feature an industrial chassis with integrated cooling, a replaceable dust filter and low noise power supplies.
Front-panel SMA connectors are used for the channel inputs, external clock and external triggering, while LED lights provide a visual indication for the power, trigger and LAN status.
Based on the LXI instrumentation standard (following the LXI Device Specification 2011 rev. 1.4), the digitizerNETBOX products are also designed for automated testing and remote applications.
Full remote control is achieved through a simple GBit Ethernet port, which allows connection to any PC or local area network (LAN).
The instruments are fully self-contained and come with all the tools necessary to capture, digitize and analyse waveforms.
support drivers and a two-year manufacturer's warranty. Technical support, including software and firmware updates, is available free of charge.