AOI system option allows double-sided THT inspection for PCBs
GOEPEL electronics has expanded the configuration options for the AOI system THT-Line for double-sided inspection of THT assemblies. Besides the accumulating roller conveyor for work piece carriers now also tape transport is available, due to constantly increasing demand frrom users.
This enables inspection of selective solder joints on assemblies which are transported without work piece carrier in the manufacturing process. Analogous to the accumulating roller, the tape transport can be used both for the actual manufacturing process in the upper area of the system as well as for the return transport in the lower area of the machine. In addition, a laser measuring system for the control of coplanarity (eg of connectors) or for height measurements on various components is available.
Up to two different and independently operating AOI modules can be integrated into a single system chassis of the THT-Line. This concerns, on the one hand, the inspection of THT components, which is typically carried out in the upper transport module before the wave soldering process.
On the other hand, a completely self-sufficient operating second AOI module for THT solder joints can be used either in the lower return transport or in the upper transport system.
The combination possibilities offer numerous ways to efficiently adapt the AOI system to the company-specific manufacturing process. A worthwhile example is installing the system prior to the wave soldering oven where the THT components are inspected before the soldering process.
The bottom-side of the PCB with the solder joints is inspected during the return transport in the lower stored area of the same machine.