
Fingerprint test sensor kit handed Chinese order

1st August 2016
Mick Elliott

Multitest’s InStrip has been selected to be the platform of a set up for high parallel testing of fingerprint sensors in China. The solution relies on Multitest’s established and production proven InStrip / InCarrier, which is extended to fingerprint testing by a dedicated conversion kit (CK).

The solution supports up to 90 devices tested in parallel. It is fully CK based and does not require any changes on the InStrip handler base unit, and it leverages a special contactor design and a new concept for the cylinders, which apply the controlled and homogenous mechanical pressure on a very small area on the device under test.

Andreas Bursian, Director InStrip & InMEMS Products, explains: “Fingerprint sensing technology has been considered to be one of the most reliable and cost effective biometrics technologies. Currently, we see a rapid growth in the demand for fingerprint sensors mostly driven by uses in consumer applications and smart homes but also for governmental and industrial security. The market is expecting to experience a double digit growth rate in the coming five years. This requires high volume proven test solutions. With testing up to 90 devices in parallel, Multitest offers a unique solution, which exceeds the parallel test capability of alternative (wafer probing) solutions significantly.”


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