
Yorkshire-based company integral to Ghana’s largest PV installation

19th June 2017
Joe Bush

A Leeds-based solar power company Xero Grid is behind the largest solar installation in Ghana. With Ghana experiencing an erratic power supply and regular blackouts known as ‘Dumsor’, a local woman reached out to the Yorkshire outback specialist to help take the power into her community’s own hands.

Successful Ghanaian businesswoman, Gloria Rego, who supports schools, churches and community projects in the area, set out to find a solution to the regular power outages and price hikes that has blighted Ghana for years.

With plans to open a soft drinks factory in Kpong, employing more than 100 local people, Rego needed to overcome Dumsor and rectify her unreliable 3-phase power grid which regularly lost phases and fluctuated from 100 to 180V per phase, damaging electrical equipment.

Xero Grid supported Rego to install a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) array of almost 400 panels to help run offices and staff accommodation at night time. Rego commented: “It has been my dream to support our local Kpong community in Ghana by employing local people in our drinks factory.

Thanks for the support by Xerogrid, we have overcome Dumsor and our business is now producing fruit juice drinks and filtered water.”

Ian Emberton, founder and Managing Director of Xerogrid added: “We’re passionate about giving power to the people and connecting people off-grid to create their own electricity.”

Xerogrid formed as Ian E Energy in 2014 and, having experienced phenomenal growth, has recently re-branded to extend their services specialism across the globe.

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