Electric Vehicle Infrastructure China Summit 2011
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure China Summit 2011 to be held on 29th-30th November (November, 2011) in Shanghai, China, focusing on the development of EV Infrastructure in China.
ChinAs the first one that focuses on EV Infrastructure in China, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure China Summit 2011 will provide an outlook of China's EV industry and infrastructure development in next 5 years from a regulatory perspective. Effective
business models and standardization of EV charging Infrastructure will be discussed as well. Exclusive EV Infrastructure pilot project Case Studies will be shown in the summit. We will also offer high-tech solutions for specific technical problems.
In this summit, professionals from different sectors in the industry will get together to share visions and insights on how to fully take advantage of the coming EV revolution in China, look into challenges and opportunities in this ever complicated
new market from multiple perspectives.
Outlook of China's EV industry and infrastructure development in next 5 years from a
regulatory perspective
Develop effective business models to ensure the commercial success of EV
infrastructure in China
Standardization: EV roadmap in China
Cutting-edge EV, battery and charging technologies showcase
How to work with governments and regulators to ensure future proof policy
development in China
Future business models for auto manufacturers in China and how to maintain
Profitability with new industry landscape
Technical innovations for future EVs and how it could benefit auto OEMs
Collaborating to accelerate the development of vehicle-grid connectivity standards
World pioneering EV pilot project case studies and implications