Zero emission combustion engine truck takes to the roads this year
Later in the year, a truck with a combustion engine powered entirely from zero carbon hydrogen fuel will take to the roads. Developed by hydrogen fuel pioneer ULEMCo, the converted VOLVO FH16 vehicle will use what is believed to be the first ‘zero emission’ combustion engine anywhere in the world. The hydrogen combustion truck, with Mega Low Emissions (MLE), is designed to provide a demonstration of how hydrogen fu...
Electric transit buses exceed range expectations
Canadian electric bus manufacturer, GreenPower Motor has announced that its EV350 40ft all-electrictransit bus has outperformed its original range expectations. The zero-emission vehicle recently traveled 205 miles with 50% SOC (state of charge) remaining battery-pack power after the trip.
Could solid-state batteries power long range EVs?
Imec and its partner in EnergyVille have fabricated a type of solid-state Li-ion battery achieving an energy density of 200Wh/liter at a charging speed of 0.5C (2 hours). This battery is a milestone on the roadmap to surpass wet Li-ion battery performance and reach 1,000Wh/L at 2C by 2024. With this clear performance engineering path, imec’s battery technology is ready to become a contender to power tomorrow’s fast charging, long haul...
The easy-to-use module for single-phase solar applications
Vincotech has announced the launch of the flowSOL 1 BI (TL) high efficiency H6.5 inverter with dual booster designed to ease the development of single-phase solar applications up to 10 kW. Efficient, reliable and robust, this module is perfect for higher power multi-PV installations. The new flowSOL 1 BI (TL) is an innovative module which features a dual booster and three-level H6.5 inverter in a single housing. This smart alternative to con...
Are EVs poisonous and do they need to be?
Diesel vehicles land, water and air, are on the way out because they emit poisons - antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, cyanide, dioxin, lead, nickel, manganese, phosphorus, selenium and sulfur compounds and carcinogenic submicron particulates, organics and more. The brew has a lot in common with the poisons inhaled from smoking tobacco. However, the new electronics and electrics in and on vehicles appearing over the next ten years will contain m...
Supporting energy storage with EV batteries for offices
Hitachi, Mitsubishi Motors and ENGIE have demonstrated a pioneering project to explore the potential for Electric Vehicles to act as a means of energy storage for an office building. For this demonstration, the consortium linked the first vehicle to everything (V2X) charger to ENGIE's office building in Zaandam.
JCB digs up the first ever electric digger
The first ever electric digger has been developed by JCB in response to customer demands for a zero emissions machine which can work indoors, underground and close to people in urban areas. The 1.9 tonne mini excavator can be charged by simply plugging it into a standard 230V domestic electricity supply.
How large businesses can benefit from renewable energy
According to Apple, the large green spaces, wellness centre and 805,000 square-feet of solar panels at its second campus makes it the best office in the world. Here, Jonathan Wilkins, marketing director at obsolete industrial parts supplier, EU Automation, explains how large businesses can benefit from renewable energy. Apple Campus Two, also known as the Spaceship, generates all of the energy required to power the 175-acre campus with renew...
Researchers prove assumptions in solar cell production
Research led by the University of Luxembourg investigated the manufacturing process of solar cells. The researchers proved that assumptions on chemical processes that were common place among researchers and producers for the past 20 years are, in fact, inaccurate. The physicists published their findings in the renowned scientific journal Nature Communications.
Hydrogen dual fuel road sweeper introduced to Aberdeen City Council
ULEMCo has collaborated with Aberdeen City Council (ACC) to deliver the world’s first hydrogen dual fuel road sweeper. The vehicles will use hydrogen fuel for around a third of the energy used to drive and operate the vehicles, making valuable reductions in CO2 emissions.