
Vishay's 20-V P-Channel TrenchFET Power MOSFET claims Industry’s Lowest On-Resistance

11th May 2009
ES Admin
Vishay has unveiled a 20V p-channel TrenchFET Gen III power MOSFET with wha is siad to be the lowest on-resistance ever achieved in the PowerPAK 1212-8 type package. With a compact 3.3-mm by 3.3-mm footprint, the device saves space by offering one third the footprint area of the PowerPAK SO-8 or SO-8 type packages.
The new Si7615DN offers an ultra-low on-resistance of 3.9 mΩ at 10 V, 5.5 mΩ at 4.5 V, and 9.8 mΩ at 2.5 V. The low on-resistance of the TrenchFET Gen III MOSFET translates into lower conduction losses, allowing the device to perform switching tasks with less power than any previous p-channel power MOSFET on the market.

The Si7615DN will be used as the adaptor switch and for load switching applications in notebook computers, netbooks, and industrial/general systems. Adaptor switches (switching between the adaptor/wall power or the battery power) are always on and drawing current. The lower on-resistance of the Si7615DN translates into lower power consumption, saving power and prolonging battery life between charges.

The Si7615DN joins Vishay’s recently released 20-V p-channel TrenchFET Gen III Si7137DP in the PowerPAK SO-8 package. To meet the needs of individual applications, the p-channel TrenchFET Gen III packaging options offer designers a choice between the maximum drain current and power dissipation of the PowerPAK SO-8 (60 % and 75 % higher, respectively, than the SO-8) or the space savings provided by the PowerPAK 1212-8.

The Si7615DN frees up designers from having to rely on 30-V power MOSFETs, which until recently were the only p-channel devices available within this very low on-resistance range. Among competing 30-V devices, the lowest available p-channel on-resistance with the area of the PowerPAK 1212-8 is 14.4 mΩ and 27 mΩ at gate drives of 10 V and 4.5 V, respectively.

The device is 100 % Rg-tested and halogen-free in accordance with IEC 61249-2-21.

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