
REO water cooling increases electric motor lifetime

20th August 2013
Nat Bowers

REO has today introduced a new range of water cooled potted chokes and transformers which can increase the reliability and lifetime of electric motor and drive applications. Air cooled systems, in contrast, often have limitations, particularly with compact components. As a result REO has introduced its range of water cooled inductive and resistive components, which also guarantee efficient cooling.

Water cooling allows optimal temperature characteristics to be achieved, while improving components performance. The higher investment needed for water cooling technology is offset by significant advantages over cooled systems. These advantages include high efficiency and low noise level, a reduction in space requirement by up to 70%, effective cooling at high ambient temperatures and very low housing temperature. Additional advantages include extended service life during normal operation and consistently high performance, as dissipated heat is removed directly. 

Water cooling is the only method that permits cooling below the ambient air temperature. Therefore it is ideally suited to industrial applications in which modules with low surface temperatures are required, such as wood and textile processing and ATEX compliant areas where there may be the risk of explosion.

Frequency drive applications are demanding more power within reduced spaces and an increasing number systems need to work in high ambient conditions beyond the bounds of forced air-cooled designs. With this in mind REO is now also offering drive system components suitable for water cooled installations, such as REO’s braking resistors, mains filters and motor chokes. By using water-cooling it is possible to increase to power ratings of braking resistors by four to five times and inductive components by double.

The water-cooled option is available in two forms across the range of components; one version with optimised base plates suitable for mounting on common cooling manifolds and used for multiple component assemblies, and the other with integral water-cooling circuits and pipe connections.

Tested to an extreme of ten bars, operating coolant system pressure for component-integral cooling systems is four bars, while ingress protection is compliant to IP64.

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