knitter-switch Announces Fully Sealed IP67 Pushbutton and Toggle switches
knitter-switch launches three new series of switches designed for use in applications where the need to protect against the ingress of moisture is paramount. The MHP/MHG/MHW series comprise pushbutton and toggle switches fully sealed to IP67 and designed for use in marine environments as well as industrial machines and special vehicles such as military and industrial including garbage trucks and agricultural equipment.
FeatThese switches come with a choice of switching functions including on-momentary, on-on and on-off-on as well as a choice of terminations including solder-lugs, PCB pins and wire-wrap.
A wide range of standard DIL, TACT, Rotary Encoder, Toggle and Push-button switches are available direct from knitter-switch and a number of distributors throughout Europe. Samples are usually available on next day delivery.