Re-engineered rotary solenoid provides price reduction
Unlike many miniaturised components where a smaller size invariably means a higher price, a new 12mm bistable rotary solenoid from Geeplus, the BRS1212, has benefitted from re-engineering which has resulted in reduced costs of up to 50% for volumes of 5k upwards. The device also incorporates the added facility of an end stop.
WhenActivated by a momentary pulse in the forward or reverse direction, the device will hold in either end position with no power applied, this ability to hold without power suits this device to applications operating from battery power, the lack of heat dissipation suits it to use in close proximity of temperature sensitive media or sensors.
In addition to applications in infrared cameras, medical and scientific instruments and laser technology, Geeplus miniature rotary solenoids also find application in small status indicators for aerospace and other equipment